How Do You Start A Solo Trip? (Explained)

If you’ve ever been on a trip with friends or family, you know that planning for those trips is tough. You need to make sure everyone is taken care of and comfortable, which usually involves some kind of compromise. 

If it’s not a vacation away from home, at least it’s just one location (such as camping in the woods). But what if you’re going somewhere all by yourself? How do you even get started? Well, here are 11 steps to help make it easier:

Starting a solo trip can be daunting, but with proper planning, you can make it a memorable experience.
It’s essential to organize your travel itinerary and stay flexible with your plans to ensure you don’t miss out on unforgettable experiences.
Solo travel has its unique challenges, but it can also be a liberating and empowering experience.
Always be mindful of your safety when traveling alone and take necessary precautions to ensure you have a safe journey.
With the right mindset and preparation, it’s entirely possible to travel solo on a tight budget and still have an incredible experience.

Step 1: Decide What You Want To See

Once you’ve decided on a destination and dates, it’s time to figure out what you want to do while there! A solo trip can be almost anything, but I recommend planning around the things that interest you most about that area. 

For example, if you’re going to New York City for a few days before taking a cruise from there, maybe your goal is just trying all the restaurants and visiting museums. 

Or maybe it’s more of an outdoorsy adventure where doing some hiking is at the top of your list (and most certainly enjoying cocktails at night). 

If this is going to be my first time abroad by myself (and it will), then I’ll probably be spending most of my time exploring new cities and meeting people along the way – especially since I’m traveling through Europe during summer break (which means lots of school-aged travelers!).

Starting a solo trip can be daunting, especially if you are new to it. Our Beginner’s Guide to Planning Your First Solo Trip provides you with essential tips on where to go, what to pack, and how to stay safe while exploring the world alone.

Step 2: Figure Out How You’ll Get There

Next, you need to figure out how you will get to your destination. This may sound like an obvious question, but it can be one that is easily overlooked.

You should consider:

The cost of airfare. How much are tickets going to cost and what are the best travel dates? If you’re traveling a long distance, will there be extra fees for checking bags or bringing a pet?

The cost of ground transportation once you get there (if needed). Are there any bus or train routes that go near where you want to go? Maybe renting a car is more convenient than flying into an airport far from where you want to stay.

Lodging costs—or if this is something that doesn’t matter much if it’s just one night (like when flying), then skip this step! But for longer trips where accommodations might be important, these numbers add up! 

Mode of TransportationProsCons
Air TravelFast and convenientCan be expensive
Train TravelScenic and comfortableLimited routes and schedules
Bus TravelAffordable and flexibleLong travel time and comfort issues
Car RentalOffers flexibility and independenceAdditional expenses such as gas and tolls
Ride-SharingCheaper than taxis and convenientLimited options for remote locations

Step 3: Decide On A Lodging Budget

Now that you’ve decided on your destination and your accommodations, it’s time to figure out how much money you’re willing to spend on lodging. You can use tools like the Airbnb host  or HostelWorld  to see what your options are in the area and what they cost per night.

Once you have a sense of how much money you’ll need for lodging, compare this number against your budget for other expenses (including transportation). 

Keep in mind that some cities have higher costs of living than others; if this is the case for where you’re going, make sure not to overspend on lodging so that there’s still enough left over for everything else!

Organizing your travel itinerary is vital for a stress-free trip. Our Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Travel Itinerary offers you valuable insight on creating a flexible plan to ensure you don’t miss out on the best experiences during your journey.

Step 4: Research Your Place(S) To Stay

Once you have your itinerary in place, it’s time to pick your places to stay. If you’re still new to the world of solo travel, this can be an intimidating step. But don’t worry! There are plenty of resources out there that will help you choose accommodation that suits your needs and budget.

Step 5: Book Your ‘home Base’

Before you start booking your flights, you need to know where you’ll be staying. Fortunately, a lot of hotels offer deals (sometimes called “travel packages”) that include free nights or other perks if you book multiple nights. 

The more time you stay at one hotel, the better deal they can offer—but be careful! Some hotels charge an extra fee for things like checking in early or leaving late.

Book at least 3 nights in advance: If possible, book at least three nights before your trip and get the best rates possible on hotels near your travel destination. A full week off work may have been out of reach before—and now it’s totally doable!

Book for 2–4 consecutive days: If two nights isn’t enough time to explore everything that interests you and four is too much time away from home, consider staying somewhere with all kinds of opportunities nearby (for example, a casino resort). This way, if all goes well, there’s no reason why this wouldn’t become an annual tradition!

Step 6: Plan Any Transportation You May Need While You’re There

To get from place to place, you’ll need to consider the best way for you. For example, if you prefer public transportation and personal vehicles are too expensive or time-consuming to find parking for, it might be best to stick with taxis or ride-sharing services like Uber.

If your solo trip is going to be somewhere large like New York City (or just anywhere where there are lots of people), it will be imperative that you think about how much walking you plan on doing and what kind of physical activity will leave your body aching in pain after a few days.

 If this is something that concerns you when traveling alone in big cities (or even small ones), consider renting a bike instead. 

This can help alleviate some of the stress associated with having limited mobility after spending so much time walking around on your own in unfamiliar territory during busy hours

Not sure if you can travel alone? Our expert advice on Can I Travel Solo? will help you explore the benefits of solo travel and how you can overcome the common challenges you may face

Step 7: Find A Few Activities And Attractions That Interest You

Now that you have a few accommodation options, it’s time to find some activities and attractions.

Find a few activities that interest you. You can search for things like hiking, museums, zoos, historical places or even the local nightlife. Ask your friends who live in the area for recommendations as well.

Make sure each activity offers a variety of options so that no matter what your preference is there will be something to suit it. This will keep things interesting on the road and help avoid boredom when trying new things!

Include free and paid activities as well as ones suited to all fitness levels so everyone has something they enjoy doing when traveling solo together!

Hiking TrailRocky Mountains, ColoradoOutdoorFree
Historical Walking TourOld Quebec, CanadaCultural$25-30 per person
Scuba DivingGreat Barrier Reef, AustraliaAdventure$150-200 per person
Wine TastingNapa Valley, CaliforniaFood & Drink$40-50 per person
Museum VisitLouvre, ParisCultural€17 per person

Step 8: Create A Basic Daily Schedule Of What You’ll Do Each Day

Once you’re sure of where you want to go and how long you’ll be there, it’s time to plan out your daily routine. 

This is especially important if it’s a multi-day trip, as a well-planned schedule will help keep the stress of adventure at bay while making sure that each day is smoother than the last.

Having a baseline structure for your days can help with everything from sleep hygiene (you’ll know when it’s time for bed) to reducing anxiety about not having enough time for certain activities or attractions. 

The best way to do this is by creating a spreadsheet or other type of calendar with columns for each day of your trip that includes:

  • Time of day (morning/afternoon/night)
  • Activity(ies) planned for that day, along with estimated amount of time spent doing them
  • Estimated amount of time needed to reach places listed on the itinerary

Step 9: Set Up A Packing List

Packing for a long trip can be overwhelming. If your last solo adventure was to the grocery store, you might feel out of your depth when it comes to planning what you will need for an international excursion.

The best way to prevent stress is with careful preparation and organization. Start with a packing list that is as specific as possible; this should include every item you could possibly think of bringing on the trip (and then some), including clothing, toiletries, electronics and other items that may not occur to you right away if they are not part of your daily routine at home like mosquito repellent or sunglasses! 

If possible, make multiple copies so others can access them when packing up their own bags as well as keeping track of what everyone needs during the trip itself

Solo travel can be an incredibly liberating experience, allowing you to explore new places on your terms. Check out our article on How to Travel Alone: My Experience to hear about my personal journey and to discover tips on how to make your solo adventure an unforgettable one.

Step 10: Start Laying Out The Things You’ll Need For Your Trip

The night before your trip, lay out all of the items you’ll need for your trip. This is an important step to ensure that you have everything and not overpack. 

When packing, make sure that you have enough clothes for each day and night of your trip, as well as any special activities or events (if any).

If you end up forgetting something, use this opportunity to look through a list of things to pack while checking off what is already in your bag. 

This will keep track of what else needs to be packed on a daily basis while also providing a checklist for items such as passports and tickets!

When it comes time to pack efficiently, try rolling instead of folding clothes so they take up less space in your luggage! 

You can also put smaller items into ziploc bags or reusable containers so they aren’t thrown around too much by other heavy objects like shoes or books — this helps prevent damage from occurring during transit times

Putting a plastic bag over your car mirror when travelling alone is a common safety tip that many solo travelers use. Find out why in our article on Why Put a Plastic Bag over the Mirror When Traveling Alone? and learn about other safety measures to keep you protected on your solo journey.

BackpackTo carry essentials on day trips1
Packing CubesTo organize clothing and accessories3-4
Travel AdapterFor charging devices while abroad1
CameraTo capture memories1
Portable ChargerFor emergencies when you can’t find an outlet1
First Aid KitFor treating minor injuries1
Passport HolderTo keep your passport safe and accessible1
Water BottleTo stay hydrated1
Lightweight TowelFor drying off after swimming or bathing1
Travel-Sized ToiletriesTo save space and comply with TSA regulationsVaries

Note: The above table lists essential items to consider when preparing for your solo trip, along with their purpose and suggested quantities. It’s important to pack light, stay organized, and only bring items that you need to ensure a stress-free journey.

Step 11: Make Copies Of Important Documents And Record Critical Info Somewhere Safe

Make copies of your passport, ID, and credit card numbers. The best way to do this is to take two clear photos of each document and save them as JPGs on your phone. If you don’t have internet access, use a cloud-based service like Google Drive or Dropbox (or make a physical copy).

Save copies of other documents in a safe place. This includes things like proof of address or employment letter from your current job; records that show any upcoming surgeries; medical information (like allergies); immunization records; etc. You can also store these in the cloud on Google Drive or Dropbox if you have no other option for internet access.

Record critical info somewhere safe. Make sure all important phone numbers are stored somewhere easy-to-access but not likely lost—either in the cloud or written down on paper and left at home with someone trustworthy who knows how important it is for you to have those contacts!


So there you have it, a few simple steps to get you started on your solo trip! It can seem daunting at first, but once you’ve done one or two times, you’ll be an expert. 

Can’t wait for our next post about how to plan out your trip? We’ll be covering some of the more advanced topics soon enough!

Further Reading

Solo Traveler – Tips, Safety Advice, and Stories for those who Travel Alone: A comprehensive resource for solo travelers with articles on safety, budgeting, and unique experiences.

Rough Guides – Ten Tips for Surviving Solo Travel: A guide to help solo travelers navigate through the challenges of traveling alone by offering tips on planning, safety, and budgeting.

Solo Traveler – Solo Travel Tips for Newbies: A helpful resource for first-time solo travelers that covers the basics of planning, safety, and packing.


What is solo travel, and why is it becoming more popular?

Solo travel is the practice of exploring new destinations alone and without company. Solo travel has become more popular in recent years due to people’s desire to venture beyond their comfort zones, meet new people, and challenge themselves.

What should I consider when planning a solo trip?

When planning a solo trip, you should consider your safety, budget, destination, and accommodations. It’s also important to research the customs and culture of your destination and have a backup plan in case things don’t go according to plan.

What are some tips for staying safe while traveling alone?

Some tips for staying safe while traveling alone include dressing appropriately for your destination, creating a network of contacts back home, avoiding dangerous areas, and using common sense.

How can I meet other travelers when traveling alone?

There are various ways to meet other travelers when traveling alone, such as staying in hostels, taking group tours, attending local events, or using apps designed to connect solo travelers.

Do I have to be rich to travel solo?

No, you don’t have to be wealthy to travel solo. With careful budgeting and planning, you can enjoy a fulfilling solo travel experience at a reasonable cost.