How To Travel Alone? (My Experience)

Traveling alone can be the most liberating experience, but it’s certainly not for everyone. There’s no one to comfort you when your flight is delayed, no one to complain about the neighbor snoring loudly on the plane, and no one to share that amazing view with. 

You have to do it all on your own! The good news is that there are plenty of great solo travel destinations out there, so if you’re ever feeling a little lonely on holiday or just fancy some time away from friends and family then here are some of our top tips for how to make sure they’re happy while they wait at home:

How to SOLO TRAVEL in 2023 | 10 Essential Solo Travel Tips
Key Takeaways
Traveling alone can be a rewarding and exhilarating experience with the right preparation and mindset.
Taking the necessary precautions and using common sense can help ensure safety while traveling alone.
Researching your destination, booking accommodations and transportation, and creating a rough itinerary are all important steps in planning a successful solo trip.
Making connections with locals and immersing yourself in the local culture can help deepen your solo travel experience.
Staying connected with loved ones and having a plan in place for emergencies can give solo travelers peace of mind while on their trip.

1) Do Your Research

As with any trip, it’s important to do your research before you go. If you’re going to a place that isn’t well-known and the services aren’t well established, the best way to find out what things are like is by talking to people who have been there before. 

Travel forums such as TripAdvisor or Lonely Planet are great resources for this kind of information.

Traveling alone can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to it. Our Beginner’s Guide to Planning Your First Solo Trip is the perfect resource for anyone looking to embark on a solo adventure for the first time. It’s filled with tips and tricks for planning a safe, enjoyable, and rewarding experience you’ll never forget

2) Take A Family Member Or Friend To The Airport

When you travel alone, it is important to have someone who can help you if something happens. Since many people feel nervous about flying by themselves, they might not want to travel alone. 

When they go through airport security, it may be hard for them not knowing where the nearest exit is or what happens if there is an emergency on the plane.

In addition, people who have never flown before may find themselves lost after getting off their plane at their destination airport because they are unfamiliar with where everything is located. 

In this situation, having someone else with you can give them peace of mind knowing that there will be someone there who knows how things work when arriving in that foreign country.

– Provides an opportunity to say goodbye in person– Can be time-consuming
– Allows for additional time to spend with loved ones– Can add stress to an already busy travel day
– Offers a chance to help with luggage or other needs– May interfere with work or other commitments

3) Let People Know Where You’re Going

Communicating your plans to friends and family is also important. When you travel alone, it’s always good to let people know where you’re going and how often they can expect to hear from you. 

For example, if I’m going somewhere for a few days and my itinerary includes stops at several different cities, I’ll let my friend know that he’ll be hearing from me every two or three days until we meet up again.

This way, if he doesn’t hear from me on schedule (or if there are no updates), he’ll know something may be wrong and can take appropriate action. It’s a simple precaution that can save lives in the event of an emergency; so don’t forget about it!

Another thing worth considering is getting some sort of signal device—a satellite phone or SPOT messenger might work well for this purpose (though neither are cheap). 

As a woman, safety is always a top concern when traveling alone. Learn about the realities and myths of solo female travel with our helpful guide, Is It Safe for a Girl to Travel Alone? Explained, which includes expert advice on how to stay safe while exploring the world solo.

4) Keep Friends and Family Updated

Use social media to keep friends and family updated. Let them know where you are and what’s happening in the places that you’re visiting. You can even use social media to find out about events and activities in the area!

5) Take A Mobile Phone And Roam

You need a mobile phone for two reasons. Firstly, it’s good to stay in touch with people at home. If your parents or friends worry about you, they can call and check that everything is okay. Secondly, if there’s an emergency (like if the car breaks down), you can use the phone to call someone who can help.

There are lots of ways to use a mobile phone while traveling. You can call people back home, send text messages and use social media apps like Facebook or Twitter to post photos and videos of your adventures on Instagram or Facebook Live! 

You could even get online through some Wi-Fi connection in cafes or restaurants around where you live so that way you don’t have to pay extra money on roaming charges when downloading apps onto your device via iTunes Store website.”

– Allows for easy communication with loved ones and emergency services– Can be expensive, resulting in higher phone bills
– Provides access to GPS navigation and local information– May not have reliable coverage in all areas
– Allows for use of mobile apps for booking, translation, and more– Can drain battery life and require frequent charging
– Enables use of social media and other online platforms to share experiences– Can be a distraction from travel experiences
– Increases the ability to capture photos and videos of travel experiences– May be at risk of theft or damage while traveling

6) Pack A Doorstop

You’ll be staying in a lot of hotels, hostels, and Airbnbs that don’t come with many amenities. This means you can expect a doorstop to be one of the few things you have access to. 

And if you’re traveling alone, there’s no reason why this should be any different! A doorstop is for keeping doors closed when you’re out of your room—but it can also be used as an alarm clock (or makeshift alarm clock) when the hotel doesn’t provide anything.

There are plenty of options available when it comes to finding the right doorstop for your travels. They range from simple foam blocks which will do nothing but keep the door propped open (and are therefore not ideal), all the way up through fancy plastic ones that measure temperature and humidity levels in addition to their primary function (which is also not ideal). 

If you want something simple yet effective, we recommend checking out these 5-star rated ones on Amazon for about $10 each:

If looking at objects like this makes you even more confused than ever before then perhaps now’s a good time to learn how important packing cubes are!

Traveling alone can be an incredibly rewarding experience with the right preparation and mindset. Learn from our travel experts with their expert advice on traveling solo and get inspired to embark on your next solo adventure with confidence.

7) Choose A Hotel/Hostel With a Social Vibe

  • So you’ve decided to travel alone, but you’re not sure what to expect. You can count on several things:
  • You will see new sights and experience new cultures.
  • You will probably have some bad experiences with the locals, but if you stick it out, it will be worth it in the end.
  • The people who are most helpful to you will often be complete strangers. This is because many locals like helping travelers who know nothing about their country or city, since they want them to enjoy themselves and come back again one day!

8) Join Organised Tours

If you’re the kind of person who likes to have everything planned out, then organised tours are probably for you. You’ll be able to see some really amazing places and meet new people in a comfortable environment. 

If there’s anything we’ve learned from our travels, it’s that sometimes the best way to get a feel for a place is by meeting someone who lives there.

Organised tours are also great because they give you an opportunity to learn about the history and culture of a place before exploring it on your own.

9) Make Everyone Else Jealous By Posting On Social Media

Social media is a great place to share your travels with the world. Use hashtags on Instagram and Facebook to make it easy for people interested in similar things to find you, connect with other travelers who share similar interests, and use social media as a way to keep track of your experiences and memories.

Getting a local guide can be a gamechanger when it comes to experiencing a new destination. Learn about the benefits of having a local guide and how to find one with our helpful guide, How to Find a Local Guide When Traveling Alone – your key to having an authentic travel experience

10) Travel At Night Or On Public Transport If Possible

You can save money. You’ll avoid crowds, which is especially important in big cities. You’ll also have a better chance of seeing the “real life” of a city and its people, rather than just getting an idea from tourist brochures or guidebooks.

If you travel at night (or on public transport), you can feel even more anonymous than usual – no one will know your face or name, so there are no expectations for what kind of behavior you should show off! 

This can be good if you want to escape from your daily routine and just enjoy yourself without any expectations weighing down on you.

11) Some Travelling Wisdom From The Pros

Here are some more tips that you may find helpful:

Traveling alone is a great way to meet people. If you’re traveling solo, it’s likely that your social circle will be limited to the other tourists in your hostel or hotel. 

This means it’s easy to get along with them, and they’ll probably be eager to hang out with another person who speaks their language and understands what they’ve been through on this trip (because they’re also traveling alone!).

Traveling alone is a great way to get to know yourself. When we’re surrounded by friends and family, it can feel less important for us as individuals to explore our own interests or passions we tend not focus as much on ourselves when there are others around who need attention just as much as we do! 

Traveling alone gives us time away from everyone else so we can take stock of where we’re going in life, what motivates us on an emotional level…and even which activities or places fill us with joy. You might discover something new about yourself while traveling!

Solo travel can be an exhilarating experience, but there are always precautions to take when traveling alone. Learn why seasoned travelers put a bag over their mirrors with our insightful guide, Why Put a Plastic Bag Over the Mirror When Traveling Alone?. Our tips are easy to use and can give solo travelers peace of mind while on their trip.


I hope that this post has given you some ideas for how to travel alone. I know it can be daunting, but it’s worth it. If nothing else, travelling alone will teach you a lot about yourself and help build valuable skills for life after university. 

And did I mention the beautiful views? I promise that if you do decide to take on this challenge, you won’t regret it!

Further Reading

Tips for Traveling Alone: A comprehensive guide on how to stay safe while traveling alone, covering topics like packing, safety precautions, and more.

40 Tips for Solo Travelers: A list of helpful tips and advice for those traveling solo, covering everything from booking accommodations to staying connected while on the road.

How to Deepen Your Solo Travel Experience: A guide on how to make the most of your solo travel experience by immersing yourself in the local culture and creating meaningful connections with the people you meet.


How do I plan a solo trip?

Planning a solo trip can seem daunting at first, but it’s all about breaking it down into manageable steps. Start by researching the destination you want to visit and determining how much time you have available. From there, you can start booking accommodations and transportation, and create a rough itinerary that you can adjust as necessary.

Is it safe to travel alone?

Traveling alone can be safe as long as you take the necessary precautions. Research your destination ahead of time to understand any potential safety concerns and take steps to protect yourself, such as keeping your valuables secure, staying in well-lit areas at night, and avoiding dangerous neighborhoods.

How do I make friends while traveling alone?

Making friends while traveling alone is all about putting yourself out there and being open to new experiences. Consider staying in hostels or participating in group tours or activities, which can be great ways to meet other travelers. You can also connect with locals through social media or language exchange apps.

How can I stay connected with loved ones while traveling alone?

Staying connected with loved ones while traveling alone is important for both safety and peace of mind. Consider using a reliable mobile hotspot or a virtual private network to stay connected to Wi-Fi, and set up regular check-ins with friends or family members back home.

What do I do if I get lost or have an emergency while traveling alone?

It’s important to have a plan in place in case of emergencies while traveling alone. Make sure to have the contact information for your country’s consulate or embassy in your destination, as well as any necessary backup documents or identification. You can also consider purchasing travel insurance, which can cover emergency medical expenses and other unforeseen events.