Is It OK To Travel Alone? (Explained)

Travelling alone. It’s something that seems like it would be fun, but you’re not quite sure if it is. Maybe you’ve never done it before, or maybe you have and hated every minute of it. 

Should You Travel Alone? (This is why I NEVER do)
Traveling alone can be empowering and rewarding.
Solo travel can help you build self-reliance and confidence.
Safety should be a top priority when traveling solo, but the fear of danger should not hold you back from experiencing the world on your own terms.
Planning is key to a successful solo trip – research your destination in advance, set a budget, and create an itinerary.
Consider finding a local guide or participating in group activities to meet new people and enhance your travel experience.

To help you make this decision, here are some pros and cons of traveling solo:

Solo Travel Can Be Expensive

Solo travel can be expensive. You’re paying for everything yourself, so if you want to stay in a nice hotel or eat at an expensive restaurant, it’ll cost more than if you were sharing with friends. 

You also have less bargaining power when negotiating prices (or even finding places), because there’s nobody else to share the cost with.

And finally, solo travelers often don’t get discounts on things like transportation and activities because they’re not part of a group so all those things can add up quickly!

Embarking on a solo trip for the first time can be intimidating. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our guide on how to start a solo trip explains everything you need to know to have a successful adventure.

You May Feel Lonely

It’s true: traveling alone can be lonely. You are in a new place, and you may not know anyone there, or even how to speak the language. 

You might miss the comfort of having someone to share your experiences with, and it can feel overwhelming if you’re trying to navigate an unfamiliar environment while also feeling isolated. 

However, if you keep in mind that loneliness is a temporary state of being which often exists only in our minds and not anywhere else (like on Mars), then it’ll be easier to manage!

Opportunity for self-reflection and solitudePossible feelings of loneliness and isolation
Complete control over your itinerary and activitiesNo one to share experiences with in the moment
Increased opportunity to make new friends and connectionsCan be more challenging to meet people as a solo traveler
Flexibility to change plans and pivot on-the-goNo one to split costs with, making solo travel potentially more expensive
Ability to truly immerse yourself in your destination and cultureLess safety net compared to traveling with a companion or group

Note: Being lonely is a valid concern when traveling alone. However, it can also be an opportunity for self-reflection and solitude. While you may not have someone to share experiences with in the moment, solo travel can also provide increased opportunity to meet new people and make meaningful connections.

Some Places Aren’t Safe For Solo Travel

Some places aren’t safe for solo travel. It’s important to research the destination before you go and make sure it’s a place you feel comfortable visiting alone. 

Check out sites like Journeywoman and Solo Female Traveler, which have lists of destinations that are safe for solo travelers.

Additionally, there are some places with a reputation for being dangerous regardless of your gender or age—you should avoid these areas if possible. 

For example, Mexico City is known as one of the most dangerous cities in Latin America; the same goes for Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Cape Town in South Africa. 

If you’re looking to visit any of these areas anyway (and many people do), it’s best to stay on guard at all times while traveling around town. Don’t be afraid to ask locals questions about safety or check into hotel safety ratings online before booking your trip!

Are you ready to take on your first solo travel experience? Look no further than our beginner’s guide to planning your first solo trip for step-by-step instructions on planning an unforgettable journey.

You Have To Plan Everything By Yourself

So, the first thing you have to do is plan everything out. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that traveling alone means you have to make your own plans. 

You’ll be responsible for researching things like where to stay and eat, how to get around, what attractions are worth seeing, etc.

Talking about my experience with this: “I knew nothing about any of these things when I started planning my trip.”

What I did was go online and search for all sorts of resources—from travel blogs like Lonely Planet or Wanderlust Avenue for advice on where to go in certain cities; through TripAdvisor reviews from other travelers who had actually visited those places; and from sites like Expedia or Kayak which helped me find affordable flights/hotels/etc without breaking the bank (or causing undue stress).

Solo Travel Is A Great Way To Make New Friends

  • Hostels

If you’re traveling on a budget, it’s likely that you’ll be staying in a hostel. These places are a great place to meet people. 

You’ll usually find that people who like to travel alone are also good at making friends, so if you’re shy and nervous about meeting new people, this is actually the perfect place for you! 

There is usually a communal area where everyone goes to hang out together and talk; this is often called “the kitchen” because most hostels have one room that has been converted into an area where everyone can cook their own meals. 

If there are other rooms with kitchens in them too (and sometimes there aren’t), then these will also be used as places where guests can hang out together. Hostels often provide free activities like movie nights or pub crawls on occasion as well – this means even more opportunities for getting to know other travelers!

  • Public Transport

Public transport isn’t just for tourists! When traveling from city-to-city or country-to-country by bus or train – especially when crossing multiple borders – it can feel like any stop could lead somewhere new entirely… which is exactly why solo travelers love them! 

While buses may not always be the most comfortable mode of transportation when traveling long distances, they do allow passengers plenty of opportunities for meeting new people along the way: someone sitting next to me on my flight once told me that he’d met his wife while sitting next door on an overnight bus ride across Europe many years ago!

If you’re traveling alone, you may want to consider finding a local guide to enhance your experience. Our guide on how to find a local guide when traveling alone provides useful tips on how to find the perfect guide for your destination.

You Learn A Lot About Yourself When Traveling Alone

If you’re traveling alone, you’ll learn so much about yourself.

You will learn your strengths and weaknesses.

You’ll learn how to be more independent, which is an important lesson in life.

You’ll also become more confident in yourself as a person by being able to do things on your own and not relying on anyone else to help you out all the time (even if it’s just asking directions). 

This can lead to opening up a whole new world of experiences! You might discover some things that make you happy or even change your life—and who knows what else?

Increased self-awareness and self-discovery opportunitiesPossible feelings of discomfort and anxiety
Opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and face fearsCan be challenging to navigate new environments and situations alone
Time for introspection and personal growthNo one to share the experience with in the moment
Freedom to be yourself and make your own choicesIncreased responsibility for your safety and well-being
Opportunity to build resilience and adaptability skillsPotential for increased costs and travel challenges

It Can Be Hard To Eat In Restaurants Alone

The first time I traveled alone was when I was 21 years old. I had just graduated college, and the only thing that came to mind was:

  • How much money do I have?
  • When can I leave?
  • Where am I going?

I didn’t even think of whether or not it would be okay for a 21 year old girl to travel alone. Luckily, my parents were cool with me taking off on an adventure (I know some people who aren’t allowed), so the next step for me was buying a plane ticket. 

The flight cost $300 each way—a little pricey for someone who had just graduated from college but not too bad considering how far away my destination was (South Africa).

It’s Not Weird Or Sad To Travel Alone

Sure, there are some people who might look at you strangely when they see a solo traveler—but those people aren’t worth worrying about. If they give you any grief, just tell them that they’re probably jealous because they don’t get to go anywhere fun and exciting!

Traveling alone can be equally as fun as traveling with friends or family. In fact, many solo travelers think that it’s even better because they have the freedom to do whatever they want without having to worry about anyone else’s schedule or moods. You can also meet tons of new friends while traveling alone as well!

You’ll Have A Very Different Experience When Traveling Alone As A Woman Versus As A Man

When you travel alone as a woman, you’ll probably be treated differently than when you travel alone as a man. 

You’ll likely get harassed more often (and/or in different ways) and find that many people are less willing to help or interact with you. 

At the same time, travelling solo is still generally easier for women than it is for men; most of us are less likely to be harassed or catcalled while walking down the street, since we’re not perceived as being unaccompanied by a male companion.

The good news is that once upon a time (or still now), men were even worse off when they travelled solo than women are today—but things have changed drastically over the past few decades thanks to feminism and activism around gender equality. 

The bad news about this? It means that if we want to make our world safer for everyone—not just white cisgender straight able-bodied middle class able-minded heterosexual Christian American males then we need some serious changes in our culture around who should feel safe where.

It’s natural to be worried about the safety of female solo travelers, but the truth is that traveling alone can be safe and empowering. Our article on is it safe for a girl to travel alone dispels common myths and offers practical advice for women who want to explore the world.

Solo Travel Forces You To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Traveling alone will force you to get out of your comfort zone, which can be a good thing. It’s not always easy, but it’ll make your solo journeys all the more rewarding.

  • You’ll have to meet new people
  • You’ll have to ask for help in foreign languages
  • You’ll need to learn how to navigate your way around new places without relying on anyone else (e.g., asking for directions)

Thinking about these things ahead of time can help alleviate some anxiety, but there are still going to be moments when things don’t go as planned and you find yourself alone with no one around who understands what you’re saying or where exactly “here” is supposed to be.

Your Family And Friends Might Pretend To Care About Your Safety

There’s a pretty good chance your family and friends will pretend to care about your safety, but probably don’t actually care that much. 

They’ll tell you that they’re worried about you, but if they were really worried, they’d be asking you before hand where exactly it is that you plan on traveling and when. 

If they are truly concerned with your welfare, this will be their first question because they want to know exactly how safe the place is at that time in order to determine whether or not it’s worth worrying about or not (and also because then maybe they could come along).

The truth is: no one cares where we go or what we do. The only thing people truly care about is themselves their own lives and experiences even if it means pretending like our safety matters more than anything else (which isn’t true).

Traveling solo can be a freeing and rewarding experience, but you may have some doubts about whether it’s right for you. Our expert advice on traveling solo offers insights and tips from experienced solo travelers to help you decide.

No One Will Take Your Photo For You

As a solo traveler, you are extremely unlikely to have someone else take your photos. While it’s not always the case, solo travelers often get better photos than those with their friends or family because they can shoot from many different angles and settings. 

You also have more control over things like lighting and composition because you aren’t relying on another person holding their phone over their head in an awkward position for the perfect shot.

It’s worth noting that taking your own photos isn’t just about getting better quality shots; it’s also about having more freedom when it comes to candid moments that happen throughout your travels. 

For example: say you’re in Italy and have just found yourself alone on Piazza San Marco (St Mark’s Square) at sunset. It would be nice if someone could snap a quick photo of this moment without drawing attention to themselves or making you feel self-conscious about being photographed. If no one else is around, however, then no one will be able to capture this scene except you!


For all of these reasons, traveling alone can be a great way to have fun and get to know yourself better. You should always try new things! 

I think that when we travel we are more open-minded and adventurous than usual—and we learn so much about the world around us. 

Plus, solo travel may be something you want to do because it’s good for your mental health or just because it sounds fun (who cares what others think!).

Further Reading

How to Travel Alone and Love It: Tips and Secrets from the Soloist – This article provides practical tips and insights to help you make the most of your solo travel experience.

Is it Safe to Travel Alone? – Discover common concerns and tips for staying safe while traveling solo.

Why traveling alone is the best impulse decision I ever made – Read a personal account of why solo travel can be transformative and rewarding.


What are the benefits of traveling alone?

Traveling alone can help build confidence, independence, and self-awareness. It can also be a great opportunity to meet new people and create unforgettable memories.

Is it safe to travel alone?

With the right precautions, traveling alone can be safe and rewarding. It’s important to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially when in unfamiliar places.

How do I plan a solo trip?

Start by deciding on a destination, setting a budget, and creating an itinerary. Research your destination in advance and make sure to book accommodations and transportation ahead of time.

What should I pack for a solo trip?

Pack light and bring only the essentials. Consider bringing a small backpack or crossbody bag for daily excursions and a comfortable pair of walking shoes.

How can I meet people while traveling alone?

Consider staying in hostel accommodations or participating in group activities like guided tours or cooking classes. Online communities and social media groups can also be a great way to connect with like-minded travelers.