Is It Safe For A Girl To Travel Alone? (Explained)

I’m a woman, and I travel alone. You know what? It’s amazing! You can book solo trips, stay at hostels and meet other solo travelers. 

There are a lot of benefits to traveling by yourself as a woman. Here are some reasons why it can be an incredible experience:

Solo female travel can be safe and rewarding with proper preparation and research.
Responsible and sustainable tourism can have a positive impact on local communities and the environment.
Planning a solo trip can be overwhelming, but resources and guides are available to help.
Traveling alone as a woman requires taking safety precautions and being aware of cultural norms.
Building confidence as a solo female traveler takes time, practice, and education.

Be Prepared

When it comes to safety, you need to have a travel plan. Make sure you have a map of the area and know where the nearest police station or hospital is. It’s also important to know how long it will take you to get there in case of an emergency, like if someone were to attack or rob you.

You can never be too careful when traveling alone. Make sure you have everything on this list:

  • Phone and charger
  • Map of your destination (or at least where you’re going)
  • List of emergency contacts with numbers that aren’t connected with anyone else who isn’t on the list — so if anyone calls them looking for information about their whereabouts, they’ll just get transferred over directly without having any idea what’s going on whatsoever
  • Cash (in case there aren’t any ATMs around)

If you’re looking to travel responsibly and make the most out of your vacation, check out our guide on 12 ways to practice sustainable tourism during your next trip. By following these simple tips, you can have a positive impact on the local environment and community while still having an incredible experience.

Think About Your Safety First

It is important to be aware of your surroundings when traveling and make sure that you are taking precautions like staying in well-lit areas, avoiding isolated areas and keeping a mobile phone with you at all times. 

If you feel unsafe, use the emergency button on your phone to call for help or find someone who can assist.

If you become lost or separated from the group, do not leave without telling someone where you are going or when they can expect to see you again. If something happens while traveling alone and would like assistance from security services, call 911 immediately!

Do you want to know more about the types of people who travel alone and learn from their experiences? Our article on what kind of people travel alone provides insights into why people decide to travel solo and the benefits they gain from it. Reading about the experiences of other solo travelers can help inform and inspire your own adventure

Get Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a must-have for any girl who is traveling by herself. It covers you for medical expenses, lost luggage and missed flights, cancelled tours and deposits, theft of personal items like passport or credit cards and so much more. 

There are many different policies with different levels of coverage so take the time to compare them before buying one. And don’t forget – it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Type of CoverageDescription
Medical coverageProvides coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains.
Trip cancellation/interruption coverageReimburses non-refundable expenses due to covered trip cancellations or interruptions.
Baggage and personal item coverageReimburses for loss, theft, or damage to baggage and personal belongings.
Travel delay coverageReimburses for expenses incurred as a result of a covered travel delay, such as accommodations, meals, and transportation.
24/7 emergency assistanceProvides access to emergency assistance services, such as medical assistance and travel information.

Do Your Research

Going solo means you’re going to be on your own. You can’t count on anyone else for help or directions. 

The best thing you can do is research, research and then some more research. Research the destination, research the location of the hotel, airport, train station (if you plan to take a train), bus station (if you plan to use public transportation). Research all major tourist attractions and even local grocery stores!

The more information you have about where you are going, the better prepared and comfortable your trip will be in general. If there is one thing that will make or break a trip it would be lack of proper preparation so don’t forget this step!

Are you planning your first solo trip and feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our Beginner’s Guide to Planning Your First Solo Trip will walk you through everything you need to know, from choosing a destination to staying safe on the road

Stay Alert

When traveling solo, it’s important to stay alert. This means being aware of your surroundings and not allowing yourself to get into situations you’re uncomfortable with.

If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel unsafe, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether the threat is verbal or physical, don’t hesitate to use your voice—screaming “Help!” can draw attention from other people around you who may come to your aid.

Finally, if something does happen when traveling on your own (whether it’s as severe as getting mugged or simply having someone try and pickpocket from you), report what happened immediately!

Know Your Rights

An important part of traveling safely is knowing your rights, and the rights of others. You should never feel afraid to ask questions or speak up if you feel uncomfortable. 

If someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to say no, whether it’s declining an invitation or asking them to stop what they’re doing.

If you do get into trouble while traveling alone and need help, remember that one way or another the police are there for your safety and theirs! Don’t be ashamed; instead, know that asking for help when necessary is simply part of being smart about travel in general.

Legal RightsDescription
Right to bodily autonomyThe right to make decisions about one’s own body, health, and well-being without interference or coercion.
Right to equal protection under the lawThe right to be treated fairly and without discrimination based on one’s race, gender, sexual orientation, or other identity.
Right to freedom of speechThe right to express one’s opinions, beliefs, and ideas without fear of retaliation or persecution.
Right to privacyThe right to keep personal information and activities private and protected from intrusion or unauthorized access.
Right to due process and a fair trialThe right to be treated fairly and justly by the legal system, including the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence.

Don’t Let Your Guard Down Around Other Women Either

If you’re traveling alone, there’s a good chance you will be approached by other women. Please don’t be afraid to tell someone off if they are being rude or aggressive with you. 

If you find yourself in a situation where things are uncomfortable, leave immediately and find help from a security guard or hotel staff member.

Thinking about traveling alone but not sure if it’s right for you? Our expert advice on solo travel can help you make an informed decision. We cover everything from the benefits of solo travel to safety tips and much more

Travel With Confidence

Traveling alone is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. It gives you a sense of independence and confidence that you won’t get from anything else. To help ensure your safety, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. 

Not only will this allow you to better avoid dangerous situations, but it will also help build up your sense of self-reliance.

A great way to stay informed is by researching your destination online before arriving there. This will give you an idea about what to expect, which destinations might be better for solo travelers than others, and any necessary precautions that should be taken before visiting certain areas (such as some parts of rural Africa).

Being aware also means avoiding certain behaviors while traveling alone such as drinking too much alcohol or flirting excessively with strangers—both easy ways for someone who doesn’t know how far away help may be (or if there’s anyone nearby who could help) get themselves into trouble.”

Stay in Touch With Family and Friends

The first step is to stay in touch with family and friends. Make sure you have a way to contact them, whether that’s through the phone or through social media. 

If you have a smartphone, make sure it has a fully charged battery so that if something happens or you need help, you can contact your loved ones right away.

If these methods don’t work though, remember that most countries have local police forces who are trained to help people in any situation you just need to know how to find them!

Traveling alone can be a transformative and empowering experience. If you’re considering embarking on a solo adventure, check out our guide on how to travel alone based on our author’s personal experience. This guide provides useful tips and insights that will help you prepare for your own solo journey.

Trust Yourself

Let’s talk about trust. Trust yourself, first and foremost. Trust your instincts when it comes to taking care of yourself while traveling alone; if something doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to make a fuss or ask for help. 

Don’t be afraid to say no—to tell people that you’re not interested in what they’re offering or inviting you to do, whether it’s a ride home or some kind of business offer. And above all else: trust your gut!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you travel safely and confidently as a solo female traveler:

Traveling Alone as a Woman: Tips You Need to Know: An article that provides practical tips and advice for solo female travelers, including packing tips, safety advice, and more.

Solo Female Travel Safety: 50 Tips for Feeling Confident and Safe: A comprehensive guide to staying safe while traveling alone as a woman, covering everything from choosing destinations to packing and navigating new cultures.

The Ultimate Guide to Safe Solo Female Travel: A guide that covers everything from personal safety to budgeting and cultural considerations when traveling alone as a woman.


Is it safe for a woman to travel alone?

Traveling alone as a woman can be safe if you take the necessary precautions and research your destination beforehand. It’s important to be aware of the local laws and customs and to take care of yourself while on the road.

What are some common safety tips for solo female travelers?

Some common safety tips for solo female travelers include researching your destination beforehand, not walking alone at night, staying in well-lit areas, avoiding wearing flashy jewelry or clothing, and trusting your instincts.

How can I meet other travelers when traveling alone as a woman?

Meeting other travelers when traveling alone can be a great way to stay safe and make new friends. Consider staying in hostels or attending local events or tours to connect with other travelers.

What are some common misconceptions about traveling alone as a woman?

Some common misconceptions about traveling alone as a woman include that it is always dangerous or that a woman cannot travel alone and be safe. While there are certainly risks associated with solo travel, taking the necessary precautions and being aware of your surroundings can make it a safe and rewarding experience.

How can I build confidence when traveling alone as a woman?

Building confidence when traveling alone as a woman can take time, but there are ways to do so. Start by taking small trips closer to home and gradually working your way up to more challenging destinations. Additionally, consider taking a self-defense class or learning basic language skills to help you communicate with locals.