The Beginner’s Guide to Planning Your First Solo Trip

If you’ve ever wanted to go on a solo trip but have never taken the plunge, it’s time to start planning! Solo travel can be an incredible experience that teaches you about yourself and opens up new opportunities for self-discovery. 

It’s also an excellent way to meet new people and make friends from all over the world. Whether you want to visit family or friends in another country or explore someplace completely new, there are tons of different ways to plan your first solo trip all it takes is a little bit of research and preparation!

Intro to Solo Travel: Tips for Your First Time Traveling Alone
Planning your first solo trip doesn’t have to be scary.
Research your destination and plan your itinerary ahead of time.
Use travel apps to help you navigate your trip.
Embrace the opportunity to meet new people and try new things.
Stay safe by trusting your instincts and being aware of your surroundings.
Remember to prioritize sustainable tourism and reduce your carbon footprint.

Decide Where You Want To Go

Deciding where you want to go is the most important part of planning your trip. You’ll be spending a lot of time in this location, so it’s essential that you pick one that suits your style, budget and skills.

Book A Round-Trip Ticket To Get The Best Deal

If you are planning to go back to your home country after your trip, make sure you book a return flight. This will allow you to save money on the price of one way tickets. 

If you don’t have enough time left on your return ticket by the end of your trip, it could lead to additional fees or even being stranded in another country!

Embarking on your first solo trip can be intimidating but taking the first step is often the most difficult part. Check out our guide on starting a solo trip to gain the confidence you need to take the leap and make unforgettable memories alone.

Research How Long It Will Take To Get There

When planning your trip, you will want to allow plenty of time for unexpected delays. For example, if traveling by car, plan for a day or two in each city you drive through on the way. This will give you some flexibility should weather or road conditions force a detour or delay. 

The same is true of flights and trains: If possible, allow at least an hour between connections and two hours before a flight departure just in case there are problems with checking in or boarding.

If possible, schedule your trip during off season (for example: fall rather than summer). Off-season travel can be less expensive, but it also means fewer crowds at attractions and lodging options available without booking months in advance—which may be ideal if this is going to be your first solo adventure!

DestinationTravel Time (hours)
New York City, USA6
Paris, France8
Bali, Indonesia16
Bangkok, Thailand10
Tokyo, Japan12
Sydney, Australia14
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil10
Rome, Italy9
Marrakech, Morocco10

Find Lodging That’s Right For You

After you’ve figured out your destination and how long you’d like to stay, consider the type of lodging that’s right for your needs.

Budget: If money is a concern, there are more affordable options than hotels. Hostels typically offer dormitories with shared bathrooms—and often kitchens—at very reasonable rates. You can save even more by booking through an app like Airbnb, which offers unique homes as well as traditional rentals.

Location: If you’re planning on exploring an unfamiliar city or country, consider staying near public transportation so that getting around won’t be a problem (unless it’s time for bed). 

For example, if you’re staying in London during peak season when hotel prices are higher than usual, look into hostels near train stations or buses since they’ll likely have shorter walk times from location to location than those farther away from transit hubs.

Amenities: If luxury amenities aren’t important to you but having access to them is (ehem), then consider looking into hotel chains such as Marriott or Hilton that offer complimentary services such as WiFi and breakfast buffets upon request when booking online at least 24 hours before arrival date/check-in time (or otherwise charges may apply).

Planning your next adventure is made easy with today’s technology. There are now numerous travel apps that can help you find the best deals and organize your itinerary. Check out our top ten suggestions for the best travel apps to help you plan your next travel adventure.

Plan Your Itinerary

Your itinerary is the plan for your trip. It includes where you will go, what you will do there, and how long it will take you to get from point A to point B.

Planning a trip that fits within your budget is one of the most important steps in making sure your trip goes smoothly and also one of the easiest things to overlook! 

Before booking anything or making any reservations, sit down with pen and paper (or open up a spreadsheet on your computer) and start listing all of the places you want to visit while on vacation.

This step can be overwhelming if this is your first solo trip; but don’t worry! This article has lots more advice about how long each destination should take based on how much time we all have available in our lives right now.

Find Some Local Friends To Show You Around

If you’re going alone, it’s a good idea to seek out some local friends to show you around. You’ll not only get the most out of your trip and learn about the culture in a more authentic way, but if you meet some new people and make some friends along the way, then even better!

If you’re a woman considering solo travel, safety is probably your top priority. Luckily there are ways to travel alone as a woman safely. Check out our guide on traveling alone as a woman for tips on staying safe and confident while exploring solo.

Embrace Solitude

A solo trip is the perfect way to get in touch with yourself. For many people, it’s easy to let routine and busyness take over our lives. 

We get caught up in the day-to-day grind of work, family and friends, and before we know it, we don’t feel like we have any time left for ourselves. This can leave us feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and undervalued—but luckily there is an antidote!

If you’ve ever felt this way or just want to learn more about yourself or your inner voice (the one that tells you what matters most), then a solo trip may be perfect for you!

HikingExplore a new trail and take in the scenic views alone.
JournalingSpend time reflecting on your experiences and documenting your journey.
MeditationPractice mindfulness and find inner peace in quiet reflection.
PhotographyChannel your creativity and capture beautiful moments in time.
ReadingGet lost in a good book and disconnect from the world around you.
YogaPractice self-care through gentle movement and focused breathing.
Painting/DrawingTap into your artistic side and create something beautiful.
GardeningConnect with nature and immerse yourself in a peaceful activity.

Learn The Lay Of The Land

The next step is to familiarize yourself with the city. A good way to do this is by getting a map of the area and learning the language. 

It will also help if you know your way around, so that in case you need assistance from someone or something, they will be able to understand what it is that you want from them.

Also make sure that you know where all the tourist attractions are located so that if there are any events happening while you’re there, they won’t be missed!

Stay Safe And Secure On Your Trip

While you’re abroad, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and stay safe. To ensure that nothing bad happens while you’re on the road, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Stay in well-known areas. If possible, choose a hotel or hostel where other people will be staying so that there are other people around at all times. That way, if something bad does happen (which is unlikely), someone else will see it happen and step in to help.

Avoid walking alone at night. Staying safe also means not walking around alone at night when possible—it may seem like an inconvenience but it could save your life! If you must go out late at night, let someone know where you’ll be going and make sure they give their phone number as well so they can come pick you up if needed.

Don’t carry a lot of cash with you on your trip—if someone steals from you while traveling abroad then chances are good that there aren’t many resources available for recovering those funds once back home again! 

Traveling alone can be a scary yet incredibly rewarding experience. The adventures and life lessons gained from solo travel are like no other. Check out our guide on traveling alone to learn from our own experiences and gain the confidence to explore solo.

Start A Travel Journal And Blog About Your Experience

One of the best ways to get your solo travel juices flowing is to start a travel journal and blog about your experience. 

A travel blog can be great for keeping track of all your adventures and memories, as well as sharing them with friends and family who couldn’t be there with you. 

It’s also a great way to chronicle the journey from beginning to end, so when you look back on it years later, you have an easy source of information to reminisce about!

You’ll want to write down everything in your journal (or blog) – how far away was that place? What was the weather like? Who did I meet along the way? What were my favorite parts of this trip? How did I feel after each day ended? These are just some examples; there will certainly be more thoughts popping into your head as time goes on!

In addition, take photos every day! This is one thing I always forget (and then regret) until after my trip is over – but now that I’ve learned my lesson and am following through with it every time we go somewhere new, documenting our experiences has become a lot easier (and more fun).

Solo Travel Can Be Incredibly Rewarding If You Plan Well

The benefits of solo travel are many. You have the space to be adventurous and explore places that you’ve never been before. 

You can also get a better look at the local culture, which allows you to learn more about the people and history of a place.

 Another benefit is that you won’t have anyone else around to tell you what things are “boring” or “gross” (unless it’s your best friend who is reading this article with you).

However, solo travel can also bring challenges: loneliness being one of them. It’s possible that even on your first trip alone, there will be times when you miss having someone around who knows exactly how to make fun conversation or how not just take photos but capture moments worth remembering forever (and possibly selling later). 

To help combat these feelings of loneliness while still enjoying all that traveling has to offer, here are some tips:

Stay safe! Make sure everything goes smoothly by researching where exactly in which country(ies) and city(ies) each item on your itinerary is located; getting lost while traveling alone isn’t any fun! 

Also make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after entering whichever countries/cities along with visas if necessary…and don’t forget about vaccinations too!

Keep tabs on friends back home via social media updates; this way even though they might not realize their friend has embarked on an epic journey across continents towards adventurelandia itself (aka Europe), they’ll still feel like they’re partaking in some way because well…they’ll know where exactly their friend was yesterday morning when posting something funny online.”


The world is a big place and there are so many places to explore. You don’t need to be an expert in order to get started on your first solo trip, but you do need to be prepared. 

That means being organized enough that everything runs smoothly, but flexible enough not to stress when things don’t work out perfectly. 

As long as you have a positive attitude and are open minded and perhaps even willing to embrace some solitude you will have fun no matter where you go!

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles that can help you plan your first solo trip:

How to Plan Your First Trip – A comprehensive guide that provides step-by-step instructions on planning your first solo trip.

A Guide for Planning Your First Solo Trip – This guide includes tips on how to choose your destination, book accommodation, and stay safe while traveling solo.

Beginner’s Guide to Traveling Alone for the First Time – This guide covers everything you need to know to plan your first solo trip, from choosing a destination to dealing with homesickness.


How do I choose my destination?

Choosing your destination depends on your interests, budget, and travel style. Consider the activities you want to do and the kind of experience you want to have. Research the climate, culture, and safety of potential destinations to make an informed decision.

How do I budget for my solo trip?

Create a budget that includes transportation, accommodation, food, activities, and miscellaneous expenses. Research the average costs of your destination and plan accordingly. Consider using a travel rewards credit card to earn points and save money on flights and hotels.

How can I stay safe while traveling alone?

There are many things you can do to stay safe while traveling alone. Research your destination before you go, avoid walking alone at night, and trust your instincts. Keep your valuables secure and avoid sharing too much personal information with strangers.

How can I meet people while traveling alone?

Meeting people while traveling alone can be challenging but rewarding. Stay in hostels, book tours, and join social events to meet fellow travelers. Consider using a travel app like SoloTraveller to connect with other solo travelers.

How do I deal with homesickness while traveling alone?

Feeling homesick is a common experience while traveling solo. Stay connected with friends and family back home through social media and video calls. Keep a journal to document your experiences and reflect on your journey. Embrace the new experiences and people you meet on the road.