Why Put a Plastic Bag Over the Mirror When Traveling Alone?

Although, traveling alone is an adventure in itself. While you are enjoying the ride and enjoying the scenery, it is also very important to take care of your safety. 

The mirrors can be dangerous if not handled properly, especially when there is no one around to help you out if anything goes wrong. 

You can easily scratch or break them while traveling without proper care and protection against harm. So here are some tips on how to protect your rearview mirror when traveling alone:

Always Place A Bag On Your Car Mirror When Traveling
Some people believe that covering car mirrors with plastic bags when driving alone can help deter criminals from following them.
Solo travel can be an empowering and rewarding experience that allows you to discover new places, meet new people, and learn more about yourself.
If you’re planning your first solo trip, there are a few tips and strategies that can help you make the most of your adventure.
Safety should always be a top priority when traveling alone, but with common sense and awareness, you can help stay safe and enjoy your journey with confidence.
Traveling doesn’t have to break the bank. With these tips and strategies for budget-friendly travel, you can have an incredible experience without spending a fortune.

To Keep the Rainwater from Getting Inside

It keeps the rainwater from getting inside the car. If there is a large amount of rainfall, then it is important to protect your vehicle from water damage. A plastic bag over the mirror may prevent this from happening and keep things dry inside your vehicle.

It keeps the water from the roof from dripping onto the mirror. Because you are driving in a convertible vehicle or any other type of vehicle with an open roof, you can experience heavy rainfall during your trip and not have enough time to stop and put on an umbrella or cover yourself with something else before getting out of the car once you reach your destination.

 In this case, putting a plastic bag over your mirror might be useful so that none of that rain would get on it while you’re driving around town looking for something interesting to do next!

It keeps glass windows closed as much as possible during rainy weather conditions (if not raining outside). The purpose here would be so that less moisture gets through those panes into places where we don’t want them going (like under our eyes or into our noses).

Planning a solo trip for the first time can be intimidating, but it’s also an incredibly empowering experience. Our Beginner’s Guide to Planning Your First Solo Trip offers valuable tips and advice to help you prepare and make the most of your adventure

To Prevent Fingerprints on Mirror

You may have noticed that the inside of your car, especially the rear view mirror, has a lot of fingerprints. 

The same goes for hotel room mirrors. If you’re traveling alone, don’t worry about someone else messing up your mirror with their grubby hands and leaving smudges all over it!

Instead, all you need is a plastic bag and some tape (or even just some newspapers). Just cover the mirror and secure it with tape or whatever other means necessary (as long as they’re secure). 

This will prevent any fingerprints from getting on your mirror so that you can enjoy looking at yourself without any dirty smears!

Microfiber clothSoft, non-abrasive cloth that can be used with or without cleaning solutions to remove fingerprints from mirrors
White vinegarA natural cleaning solution that can be used to remove fingerprints from mirrors without leaving streaks or residue
Rubbing alcoholCan be used to clean and disinfect mirrors, including fingerprints
NewspaperUsed with or without cleaning solutions, newspapers can be an effective, low-cost option for removing fingerprints from mirrors
Glass cleanerSpecialized cleaning products designed for use on glass surfaces, including mirrors. Can be used to remove fingerprints and other smudges

To Avoid Bugs or other Pest Attraction

If you travel alone, you might want to put a plastic bag over the mirror. It’s not to protect from insects or anything like that it’s just to keep them off the mirror and away from your car.

The reason for this is simple: bugs are attracted to moisture, and even if you have no problem with insects around your home (and who does?), a car is an entirely different environment. 

When traveling solo in an enclosed space without air conditioning, even a small amount of humidity can be enough for mosquitoes to swarm around the inside of your vehicle. So keep those pesky creatures out with a little extra effort!

To Prevent Reflection of Sunlight on the Mirror

While it’s important to keep your mirror clean, you don’t want to use harsh chemicals or other cleaning products. Instead, try covering the mirror with a plastic bag. 

This is especially useful if you’re traveling alone and want to prevent anyone else from seeing yourself in the mirror.

To use this method, simply take any old plastic bag (a grocery store shopping bag will do) and place it over the mirror so that you can’t see yourself reflected back through it. 

If there are any holes where light might come through, just apply duct tape to seal them up! Once your reflective surface is properly shielded from both inside and outside viewing angles, remove the protective layer of tape and put things back together as usual—you’re ready for whatever comes next!

Are you a woman thinking about traveling solo, but concerned about safety? You’re not alone. Our article, Is It Safe for a Girl to Travel Alone? Explained, provides insights and practical advice to help you stay safe while traveling alone

To Avoid Scratches on Mirror

There are a number of things you can do to avoid scratches and cracks on your mirror when traveling alone.

  • Avoid using sharp objects on the mirror, such as nail files or tweezers.
  • Avoid placing heavy objects on the mirror. This will help prevent cracks from forming in its frame.
  • Avoid placing the mirror in areas where there are vibrations, like near an air conditioner or heater vent, or right above a washing machine (as it may move around during use).
Microfiber clothSoft, non-abrasive cloth that can be used with or without cleaning solutions to remove fingerprints from mirrors
White vinegarA natural cleaning solution that can be used to remove fingerprints from mirrors without leaving streaks or residue
Rubbing alcoholCan be used to clean and disinfect mirrors, including fingerprints
NewspaperUsed with or without cleaning solutions, newspapers can be an effective, low-cost option for removing fingerprints from mirrors
Glass cleanerSpecialized cleaning products designed for use on glass surfaces, including mirrors. Can be used to remove fingerprints and other smudges

To Cover Up Broken Mirrors

Plastic bags can be an effective and inexpensive way to cover up a broken mirror. This is especially true if you have small children who might be tempted to touch the sharp edges. 

You could also use plastic bags to prevent the reflection of the sun from causing problems when driving at night, or it could be used to keep bugs away from your windshield. 

If you’re traveling alone and worried about being vulnerable, this is one of many ways that you can protect yourself by covering up mirrors in your car or hotel room with plastic bags (if they are not already broken).

To Cover Up Car Rear-view Mirrors When Parking in Undesirable Area

You may have used a plastic bag to cover up the rear-view mirrors of your car when parking in an undesired area. You must be aware that a lot of cars have been stolen by thieves who have cut off their rear-view mirrors. 

This is why you should use the plastic bag to cover up your car’s rearview mirror when parking in dark alleys, high crime areas and other places where people are likely to break into or steal cars.

It may be surprising but there are many ways on how you can prevent theft/damage to your vehicle while driving alone as well as when parked on the street or any public place for that matter due to lack of proper security measures provided by some local governments like gated communities where private security guards are hired by homeowners association (HOA).

Embarking on a solo trip can be daunting, but it’s also an opportunity for growth, adventure, and self-discovery. Our article, How Do You Start a Solo Trip? Explained, offers step-by-step guidance and insights to help you plan your trip with confidence.

Avoid Ghostly Aliens Appearing on the Mirror

You are not alone. You don’t want to see ghostly aliens in the mirror, you don’t want to see aliens in the rear-view mirror and you also want to avoid alien ghosts on your mirrors.

So why put plastic bag over mirror when traveling alone? The answer is simple. You need a protective layer between yourself and these two types of characters who might appear on your mirrors. These two categories include those who are not alive (ghosts) and those who are not from this planet (aliens).

And if you don’t believe me then remember one thing: “Heaven is full of angels earned by good people” – Billy Graham

Protect Against the Bird Droppings Falling onto the Mirror Surface

You may have not heard of bird droppings to damage the mirror surface, but it’s true. Bird dropping is acidic and corrosive. It can damage the mirror coating, glass and even scratch the mirror surface. So, when you travel alone in your car and want to put a plastic bag over your car’s rear view mirror, do not hesitate!

Avoids Direct Wind or Dust on the Mirror Surface

This is one of the most important reasons why you should put a plastic bag over your car’s rearview mirror.

 It will protect your car’s rear-view mirror from being covered by dust, or even worse, a raindrop that might cause some damage to it. 

You don’t want to have any scratches or marks on your favorite accessory, right? By putting a plastic bag over it, you can ensure that no unwanted elements touch the reflective surface of your rear-view mirror and make sure that it stays clean all throughout your trip.

  • Keeps the mirror clean:

As mentioned above, when you travel alone in your car without anyone else around to help keep an eye out for things like this (or even do so yourself), then there is always a possibility that something may happen during the trip which could potentially cause damage or harm to something as fragile as one’s personal belongings such as these mirrors are considered. 

One thing people often overlook while traveling alone – especially when they’re driving – is how easy it is for things like condensation buildup due lack of ventilation within their vehicle; especially during long journeys where temperatures outside aren’t ideal either! 

So if possible try avoiding these sorts

Traveling alone can be an incredibly rewarding experience that allows you to discover new places, meet new people, and learn more about yourself. In our article, How to Travel Alone: My Experience, we share personal insights, tips, and observations from our own solo travel adventures.

Avoid Fog and Condensation Formation on the Mirror Surface

The most common reason people use a plastic bag to cover the mirror is to avoid fog and condensation formation on the mirror surface. 

Fog and condensation are both caused by water droplets, which can form when you breathe on a cold glass surface or when moisture from your body comes into contact with it. 

Foggy mirrors can make it hard for you to see clearly, especially in winter months when temperatures are low. Condensation may also cause damage to your vehicle’s interior if left untreated for extended periods of time.

To prevent fogging and condensation formation:

  • Place a towel over your lap before driving or taking out your phone from the glove box (if necessary)
  • Open windows near you slightly so that warm air can circulate inside; this will prevent fogging
  • Use paper towels instead of cloth towels

If you’re considering traveling alone, you might be wondering if it’s okay to do so. The answer is yes! In our article, Is It Okay to Travel Alone? Explained, we explore the benefits of solo travel and share tips for making the most of your trip.


While it’s easy to see why the mirror deserves its own bag, we hope we’ve cleared up any confusion about these seemingly unnecessary accessories! 

The next time you find yourself traveling alone and in need of some extra privacy, give this hack a try.

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles you might find helpful:

Why put bags over car mirrors when traveling alone?: An in-depth article exploring the reasons why some people cover their car mirrors when traveling alone.

Is it safe to put bags over car mirrors when traveling alone?: This article provides tips and advice on covering mirrors for safety while traveling alone, as well as a discussion on the potential risks and benefits of this practice.

Why do people put a plastic bag on a car mirror?: A brief overview of the reasons why people put bags on their car mirrors and explanations for their effectiveness.


What is the purpose of putting a plastic bag over the mirror when traveling alone?

Many people believe that covering their car mirrors can help deter criminals or potential attackers from following them.

Is it safe to put a plastic bag over car mirrors when driving?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Some people find it helpful to cover their mirrors when traveling alone, while others prefer not to. If you do choose to cover your mirrors, make sure they are still visible and that you are still able to check them for safety purposes.

Can covering car mirrors actually prevent crime when traveling alone?

While there is no guarantee that covering your mirrors will prevent crime, some people believe that it can help deter potential attackers or criminals from following them.

What are some other ways to stay safe while traveling alone?

Other ways to stay safe while traveling alone include staying alert at all times, avoiding isolated areas, informing others of your travel plans, and trusting your instincts.

What should I do if I feel unsafe while traveling alone in my car?

If you feel unsafe while driving alone, pull over to a safe and well-lit area as soon as possible and contact local authorities for assistance. You may also want to consider joining a roadside assistance program or installing a personal safety app on your phone.